Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Back in the Olden Days

I dunno... got bored I guess. Second time using Photoshop.

Tis my birthday

Well... since it was my birthday I decided to make a random thing... :)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Poem from 10th grade

Was looking over my FB notes and noticed that I never had put this poem up on any of my blogs. This was back in the beginning of 10th grade. This list has additions on it but I think I'll leave this poem alone and make a different one if I really want to.

Walking beside the land of the dead
There is a small path on which I tread
Life to one side, death on the other
Neither I choose, with neither I bother

At a time I traveled on the paths of the living
Once my paths were lovely, bright and teeming
Then storms of life blew me to where I stand
Two voices argue in my head on where I will now land

Outside there are other whose paths mingle with mine
Those who make sure that I do not yet cross the line
Some of them are older and some are younger
Compared to them I am weak and they are stronger

There is one who is older and more experienced
It was in her office and home I talked and cried
There is one who usually sits with me in there
Once who gave me hugs and told me that she would care

There is one who clings to me and me to her
She 'helps' with math and named me her owner
There is one who named me her Teddy Bear
Fed me wai-wai and told me she would be there

There is one who calls me Teddy and younger sister
She made me feel beautiful and kept me alive in summer
There is one who is younger and the one I call Pillow
Kept my secrets so that dad and mimu would not know

There is one who I found the most strength in
Scared me to death at times but helped with healing
Who wanted me to live and bandaged my wrists
A brother who carried me around and beat my lists

Someone who let me cry on his shirt and make it wet
Made the wrong conclusion and then kept his mind set
Gave me things and wouldn't let me pay him back
Annoyed me in nightmares, saved me from monkey attacks

All these people are very much the reason I am still here
They wiped my tears, gave me hugs and calmed my fears
This is my real family, my clean up and happy making crew
They are the only people I think I can truly tell 'I love you.'

Mine, Forever...

This ist for my newest Fanfiction, "Mine, Forever..." Yea I know... it's a weird title but I got it from a story and that's where the fanfiction kind of came out of.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Welcome the Rain

Stepping out, hit by the smell of rain
The earth giving it's self up to it
Inhaling I sigh, content with the world

Closing my eyes, I step into the rain
The soft drizzle falling on me
I turn my face upwards, smile on my lips

Dropping my bag, wind ruffling my hair
Spreading my arms wide in welcome
The wind responds, chills down my spine

Slowly spinning, slowly gaining momentum
It comes down faster, clothes getting soaked
Rainwater droplets spiraling away from me

Stopping, walking slowly towards the edge
I open my eyes to see the grey sky stirring
First strike of lightening and sounds of thunder
Content, I let the wind carry me away.

Monday, May 9, 2011


I couldn't decide which one I liked better.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Jensen Smith Year 1 Sig

I decided that I would try a guy character so yea.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


This is my newest background for my laptop.