Friday, December 31, 2010


I don't know what it is... I was just kind of bored and this is what the result was.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Taylor Momsen

Taylor Momsen is a singer who was introduced to me by my friend. Apparently she also acted in Gossip Girl but I have yet to watch it. Either way, I like her singing. She's pretty good.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Among the Clouds

At times there were many in sight
Other times not even a single one.
Some looked strong and bold
While others looked frail and thin.

Like towers they reached up
Clustered together like islands.
They floated upon a glass like surface
Casting shadows underneath them.

Although the sun cast its rays
The air remained frigid around them.
However I could not remain here long,
The world underneath beckoned.

I cast a wistful gaze out the window
And bid the clouds farewell.

I ended up writing this when I was on the plane. I got bored so I took out a piece of paper and just wrote it down as I looked out the window. I knew it was cold because people announced the outside temperature on the speakers and stuff.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Amrita's next term sig

This is for Amrita's next term in the game.

Year 6 Sig

Yea I know it kind of looks similar to my blog header but I couldn't resist.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Room View

It was kind of inspired by a dream but sadly it turned out nothing like my dream in the end. And it's not really done but I'm a bit too lazy to actually finish it... way too much to do in school.